
Fighting Climate Change

Green technologies are essential, especially in developing countries like Uganda where the local energy mix depends heavily on burning wood, charcoal, fossil fuels, and other high emission fuels. 

Altering this kind of energy mix to more environmental choices reduces both emissions and deforestation, while making energy more renewable and sustainable. 

NIDO works with local communities to improve this mix through using our local and international networks to bridge the gap between private sector green technology organizations and communities in the developing world that can best benefit from these technologies. Through a partnership with JB Holdings and the Cambridge Secondary School, donated generators now create electricity from waste vegetable oil.

 Despite persistent power shortages in Uganda, the Cambridge school has a reliable power supply, which is an invaluable benefit to the school and community. All of the schools that NIDO partners with are fitted with eco-stoves that use 50% less biomass energy than the previous wood and charcoal burning stoves. NIDO is also working with banks in Uganda to provide low interest credit for other schools to purchase eco-stoves.

Climate Change

Wildlife Conservation

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